VEER Tea is the next generation of caffeinated beverages. Aimed to give gamers a healthier alternative to energy drinks that are high in artificial sugars while providing important vitamins found in black tea.

The brief was to create two distinct tea packaging designs targeted towards a specified group of men of our choosing. Opting for a bold and expressive design that goes against the current homogenized tea market allows for plenty of fun and play.

Packaging Design Brand Strategy Art Direction Copy

Hoity Toity is an limited release American Wild Ale from Ballyhoo Beer Co. in Iowa. With a flavor palette of malt and oak with a tarte finish, this beer is accessible to beer amateurs and aficionados alike.

When developing the beer’s personal voice, I created a set of characters inspired by my favorite childhood cartoons that poke fun at those with a Hoity Toity “holier than thou” attitude. These characters would eventually be used in the marketing and promotional material for this limited release ale.

Packaging Design Brand Strategy Art Direction Campaign


Graphics and Illustration


Motion Graphics